Sherinata speaks: Prayer for Hurricane Irene and from Tom Kenyon

The eye of the hurricane is very much like the heart. It is the center of peace, the leading force of energy controlling all that surrounds it. Just like all hurricanes, even when our hearts are at peace there are still volatile changes happening around us. It is up to us to stay centered and on the path of certainty, truth and love rather than falling by the waist side into a wasteland of useless, chaotic and uncertain energy. I just received 2 emails that I had to share with you. They are profound in the messages  Continue reading

Mother Earth Speaks: East Coast Earthquake

The Earthquake experienced yesterday was part of the magnetic shift as the energies align on this planet. There will be more energetic alignments and experiences to come. Know that this is just the very beginning of what you will be experiencing. What will it take for those on the earth to realize that the physical shifts have begun? Until there is tragedy, people will listen and even then their judgements will be heavily skewed. The earth, the water and the land will be tainted by the blood of the non believers. Sadly, this will be the demise of the conditions in which they choose to live.
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Mother Earth Speaks: Planetary Changes Coming Soon

Mother Earth Speaks:

heart planet

Blessings dearest ones. The time on earth as you know it will be changing very soon. The cosmic and angelic beings are guiding you, helping you, teaching you. Many of you are listening, listening to your heart that connects you to your higher selves and the cosmic Universe and to the Creator, of All That is. Be it as it may, that if you are NOT doing your lessons and lightening your baggage you are not participating in this shift in the highest and best way possible. Money can not buy you happiness. Know that it is the changes within yourself that create the changes in and around your world.
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2012: Mother Earth Blessings to all Mother’s

The Great Mother loves all her children

May 8, 2011

Happy Mother’s Day

Blessings to all Mother’s of present day and past and to all mother’s who have had children in this world but are not with you physically in this moment.  If you have had a child, but childless now, know that not all is never lost for the spirit of that child grows with you on the other side in other dimensions. Continue reading

2012: Mother Earth speaks about Osama Bin Laden’s death

Rejoice in his passing but pray for peace and divine order for all beings on Earth

May 2, 2011

Mother Earth speaks about Bin Laden’s death:

When it comes to death, there are many ways to view it depending on your customs and traditions.  Is it time to morn? Celebrate? Be in peace? There is a whole cycle to the grieving process that endures a variety of emotions including sadness, anger  and relief. How are you celebrating the death of Bin Laden? It seems that people are rejoicing  from around the world praising and being in the glory that “an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth” has brought justice once and for all.  His death brings closure for the empty holes that he has left in the hearts of many around the globe as he ripped  loved ones aways in mere seconds: woman, men and children never differentiating between race, color, religion or social status.  

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2012: Mother Earth says you ARE a super being!

You are one with all that surrounds you.

April 28, 2011:  Messages from Mother Earth –

You are here, reading this blog for a reason. It means you are ready to be open, receive and accept the fact that you are divinely connected to God and that you are connected to all that surrounds you. This is about you and no one else…It is time for you to evolve…to be challenged with new information, new light, new awareness and accept the truth of who it is you truly want to become in your life.  You are a superbeing, walking this earth and knowing that now is the “right” time for you to grow into the most beautiful, amazing being that you can be. All you have to do is realize that you are part of this most amazing synchronicity of Earth – that includes, land, water, sky, animals, plants and minerals.

 Once you understand the superbeing in you is connected to everything that surrounds you – All That Is then you will begin to realize your true essence of self-awareness. You are part of the omnipotent and masculine energy of God, the Creator of All that is and you are also a part of the beautiful and ever-loving feminine energy of Mother Earth – the womb and nurturing of synchronicity that sustains and keeps life going on this planet. Once you realize and understand that you are divinely connected to everything that surrounds you, you begin to realize that there is a much bigger picture happening here. Knowing, that as you are chaotic in your world, you will reflect that in the world around you. It will affect you, your body, your spouse, your children and everyone they come in contact with. But, you will also find truth in the opposite, that as you are at peace so is the world around you. Your peace within yourself will be reflected to all those you come in contact with.

  Your personal world is a true reflection of who you are and how you react to it.  Remember, you are accountable for only you and you have the choice to be active or reactive. If you choose to be reactive then you have made the choice to take the easy way out, becoming powerless and allowing yourself to react to situations without understanding the damage you are doing to yourself and the world that surrounds you. If you become active and be the change which you wish to see in this world, then you will choose your words and actions with honor and grace allowing the peace in your heart or shall we say the “piece of your heart” to bring calmness and love to the situation. Once you make this choice you will realize that you truly are a superbeing and miracles will begin to manifest around you.  Accept change and be the change – for you are divinely connected to God and All that is which surrounds you.

Choose well dear ones and congratulations on your new journey!

2012: Japan Prediction and Prayers

 Japan Predictions…

Some have asked me why I didn’t predict the Japan earthquake and tsunami…check again!

I’d like to remind you that with all predictions there is always a degree of uncertainty which gives those who wish to disbelieve cause to do so, but the predictions will be close enough for those who wish to believe the ability to do so. I have been receiving and tracking my predictions for some time now and some of the predictions have been off by a month or two or slightly off geographically, while some have been right on target.  Dec. 22, 2010 was the first prophecy in my book 2012: Prophecies, Prayers and Preparation and we were asked to pray globally on the morning of Dec. 21.  That morning there was an earthquake of 7.4 magnitude prompted by a Tsunami scare off the coast of Japan luckily, there was very little damage.  As we know now, there is catastrophic damage from the March 11, 2011 quake and tsunami that has led to unfathomed devastation in Japan just as the prediction suggests.  The wording of this prediction and the prayer refer to, “these people love and honor their land” and also refer to the, “horrific destruction of land and sea..and direct our energies to the weakness in the water…” You can view the prediction and the prayer at or on p. 102/103 in the book.

What’s in your prayers?

I hope you have been putting the land and the people of Japan in your prayers every day. Catastrophic events such as this bring our world together, even if it’s for a short time, as one complete being. Right now we are in perfect harmony with our thoughts and prayers focused on Japan and that creates a state of passion and compassion. Be aware that just mentioning the word Japan, even if it’s just in your mind, opens your heart – did you feel the sinking in your heart or the loving energy just by the intention of the word Japan? On the other hand, did you feel anything in your brain? Absolutely not! This is why we must think more with our hearts and less with our brains; our brains are connected to the ego and our hearts are connected to all living things. The light and the flame that is in our hearts is what drives us, inspires us and allows us to trust in the Divine essence of God and all that encompasses it. The energy that comes from the heart is much more powerful than the brain. The earth is changing ever so quickly and many more events in the near future will be catastrophic.

It is imperative that we must keep saying the global prayers associated with the predictions that are in the book, 2012: Prophecies, Prayers and Preparation….Mother Earth’s Plan for Humanity. We must raise awareness and raise the frequencies of the planet before the events happen so they can help to calm the actual event, therefore, this will lead to saving lives. This is why the Divine Realm emphasizes over and over again that these predictions are not given to us to save lives it is more important to be global and raise the frequency of the entire planet.

News and Thank You’s…

I’m excited to announce that I was invited to NYC this weekend, March 18 – 20 to be a presenter on the 2012 panel at the New Life Expo – woohoo!! I am looking forward to making connections that will help me to spread the word. Speaking of which, I’ve officially gone global with my first book order from outside of America – she was in Australia! A heartfelt thank you goes out to those who have shared the book with others and have helped spread the divine messages and tools that are guiding our most blessed planet. The press releases for the book have officially gone out and, with the devastation in Japan, I am hopeful someone from the media will be led to the importance of the book. We need to spread the word about raising our consciousness so we can change from a world of chaos to that of peace.

2012: Prophecies, Prayers and Preparation

The media hype regarding 2012 has everyone wondering, even fearing, what is in store for us, civilization and our planet. Hollywood has released blockbuster movies showing terrifying natural disasters. Businesses are selling 2012 survival packs that include dried foods, water purifiers, weapons and masks. Contractors are building underground bunker-style homes and information is available for building new civilizations.  As we enter the year 2011, there is definitely a preoccupation with creating plans for how to survive, if possible, these horrific disasters predicted for December 21, 2012. However, there is virtually no information on what you can do to prevent these disasters. No one has ever imagined it was possible and neither did I. Until now.

Communicating with the spirit world started for me over 20 years ago but I never took it seriously until a few years ago when the messages and the messengers changed significantly, becoming much more powerful. These entities were talking about the planetary shifts – why they are happening and what we can do to change our lives, manKind, and the continued existence of Earth. If this wasn’t unnerving enough, they told me that they would channel a book through me that would impact the planet! I panicked and thought, “Why me?! What if I failed?”  But they assured me that everything would unfold with synchronicity.

In the messages compiled for the book 2012 Prophecies, Prayers and Preparation, they explained that our history is the evolution of our thoughts, and our world is a reflection of how we physically and emotionally treat ourselves and each other. From the beginning of time on Earth, there has been conflict—conflict between cultures, races and religions. The conflict is growing and spreading across our planet with horrible abuses to all living things, including people, animals and our environment. The massive amounts of negative energy have taken its toll. Our Earth has energy of its own, but it has been tortured, beaten, and neglected. Natural disasters such as earthquakes, blizzards, tornadoes and tsunamis are occurring at an alarming rate.

When we begin to change our thoughts and beliefs, we will begin to see improvements in our world – both in the environment and in manKind. The Prayer Plan they have delivered will remove the disharmony from the Earth and stabilize the human race if it is practiced by large groups, in many countries, and by all colors and races of manKind on the same day, at the same time. The energy that is put forth into every prayer will globally create an energy shift. Together, through the prayers and lessons of love from these caring, compassionate beings, we can raise the consciousness of mankind and reverse the course of our future. But, we are running out of time. The key to our survival is being foretold in this book, and the destiny of Earth will be determined by our preparation.